Survey Trip

Survey Trip

Savannah and I just returned from our survey trip this past Thursday. Alan and Elena Sutphen were gracious enough to host us in their home for the two weeks that we spent in Uganda. We got the chance to try many Ugandan foods. My favorite, by far, was called a chipati. It is a fried flat bread. Ugandans will put eggs and tomatoes on a chipati, roll it up, and call it a rolex. A rolex can have more than just eggs and tomatoes in it; really, one may ask for whatever he would like in it. Everyone has his favorite version of a rolex.

We also had a chance to visit many villages surrounding the area of Soroti, the town where Alan and Elena live. We met a few Ugandan pastors and their families, as well as Bible college students, who plan to start a church in each of their home villages after they graduate Bible college.

The ministry is an exciting place to serve the Lord, and we praise the Lord that we could help out while we were over there. Savannah got to speak at the monthly Ladies Bible Study that Soroti Independent Baptist Church holds, and I got to preach in the Men’s Sunday School class. We were also able to pass out invitations to the church. Please pray for a man named Amos, a local chef in Soroti. When we went to his restaurant, he came out to greet us at the end of our meal. I gave him a tract and invited him to Soroti Independent Baptist Church. He said he would come, and that next Sunday he did! Pastor Alan preached a salvation message on Hell that morning, and after the service, I was able to take Amos aside and talk with him about his eternal destination. Amos is a Catholic and has not yet trusted Christ as his Savior. Please pray that he will.

Thank you for your prayers for us while we were away. The Lord gave us safe travels. We were able to ask many questions as we seek to prepare to move over to Uganda permanently, and we took many of the pictures and videos that we need for our deputation materials. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to embark on the deputation trail.

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